Posts filed under: Entry Links

Entry Links

The Agency Cross Triathlon takes place at beautiful Roches Beach near Lauderdale. The event program includes the X-Triathlon (two distances), a X-Duathlon for the non-swimmers or a X-Aquabike for the non-runners. The public and also teams welcome. We also have...
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The next race in the Summer series is the JSA Science in Design Kingston Beach Aquathlon and includes the kids TRYstars. A great way to end the week and celebrate Valentine’s Day. Race as an individual or team, short course...
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This was the 2nd race in the Shipwrights Arms Hotel Triathlon Series and included three main distances including the Standard Aquabike for Australian Team selection for the World Champs. Download the Results Now (PDF File)....
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The JSA Science in Design Aquathlon at Kingston Beach offered two distances – Sprint and Short Course.  Download the results now (PDF file)...
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The first triathlon of the 2024-25 Shipwrights Arms Summer series is now complete.  Download the Results now (PDF Format)....
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